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Restaurant Properties


For the past 20 years, Restaurant Property has set about becoming the leading specialist in the global leisure sector.

Restaurant Properties
Camberwell, London - Pub / Bar

Camberwell, London - Pub / Bar

Use: Pub / Bar
Total Size: sq ft
Rent: £93,000 per annum
Premium: Upon application

Property Description

This Public House is located in the heart of Camberwell.

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Property Consultants


Dan Brown


With 11 years' experience in the London property market, Dan heads up the acquisition team here at RP. Dan has a passion for hospitality and takes great pride in working with some of the world's best operators, as well as top-tier independents. In addition, Dan specialises in advising leading hoteliers with their restaurant leasing, most notably successfully letting the restaurant space at The Berkeley Hotel. Dan's clients include The Maybourne Hotel Group, Marriott Hotel Group, Hyatt Regency, The Ascott Limited Group, Michelin-operators Tom Brown, Sollip, Akoko and variety of independent operators from restaurants to wine bars and coffee shops.

07730 453462


Percy Fricker


Percy leads the Central London Sales division, bringing three years of experience in residential property before transitioning into the F&B sector a year ago. His passion for hospitality drives him to explore local restaurants and discover new cuisines. Outside of work, Percy enjoys following his favourite football team, playing golf, and spending time with his friends.

07774 321360